1. Quick Support
1. Call 1300 559 366
2. Click on the link below
3. Follow instructions provided by your engineer
[button id=”supportwindows” linking=”default” link=”http://remote.zenoit.com.au:8040/” align=”center” size=”large” type=”wide” style=”solid” icon=”windows” text_color=”ffffff” bg_color=”#3498db”]connect to quick support[/button] [/box] [one_half] [box id=”qs” icon=”windows” style=”solid”]2. Support Access
1. Call 1300 559 366
2. Click on the link below
3. Tell your partner the pin number
[button id=”supportwindows” linking=”default” link=”http://download.teamviewer.com/download/version_8x/TeamViewerQS.exe” align=”center” size=”large” type=”wide” style=”solid” icon=”windows” text_color=”ffffff” bg_color=”#3498db”]download quick support[/button] [/box] [/one_half] [one_half_last] [box id=”qs” icon=”windows” style=”solid”]3. Unattended Access